Transverse momentum resummation in Drell-Yan pair production: a progress report, 10 July, invited talk at the LHC EW WG general meeting, CERN
Multi-parton interactions at hadron colliders, 29 May, invited talk at the Non-Perturbative and Topological Aspects of QCD Workshop, CERN
Resolution observables in NNLO+PS matching through MINNLO and GENEVA, 9 May, invited talk at the 2nd Workshop on Tools for High Precision LHC Simulations, Ringberg Castle
Constraints on the quartic Higgs self-coupling from double-Higgs production, 21 Feb, invited talk at the LHC Higgs WG4 meeting, CERN
Exploring High-Purity Multi-Parton-Scattering at Hadron Colliders, 21 Nov, invited talk at MPI@LHC 2023, University of Manchester
Hadron production at the LHC: predictions for long-lived particles at forward facilities, 21 Nov, invited talk at MPI@LHC 2023, University of Manchester
A new observable for mW determination at the LHC, 8 June, invited talk at PSR 2023, University of Milan-Bicocca
Associated production of a W boson and massive b quarks in NNLO QCD, 10 Mar, invited talk at 2nd CMS Workshop on V+jets Physics, via zoom
Standard Model predictions for the W boson mass, 9 Mar, invited plenary talk at Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste 2023, La Thuile
Power corrections for jet procesess, 3 Nov, invited talk at Ringberg Workshop on Tools for High Precision LHC Simulations, Ringberg Castle
Power corrections in transverse observables, 16 Aug, Gearing up for high-precision LHC Physics, MIAPbP Workshop, Munich (slides by L. Buonocore)
Linear power corrections and small-qT resummation, 16 Aug, invited talk at Gearing up for high-precision LHC Physics, MIAPbP Workshop, Munich
Linear power corrections and small-qT resummation, 13 Apr, invited plenary talk at SM@LHC 2022, CERN
The Drell-Yan fiducial cross section at N3LO+N3LL, 24 Mar, talk at Rencontres de Moriond 2022, La Thuile
The Higgs transverse momentum at N3LL'+NNLO with RadISH, 21 Oct, online talk at Higgs 2021, via zoom
Transverse observables in Higgs and Drell-Yan production at N3LL'+NNLO, 19 Oct, talk at Rencontres de Blois 2021, Blois
Fiducial Higgs and Drell-Yan distributions at N3LL'+NNLO with RadISH, 27 May, online talk at PSR 2021, via zoom
Colour-singlet transverse momentum with a jet veto: a double-differential resummation, 13 June, online talk at SCET 2020, via zoom
Multi-differential Higgs theory predictions: vetos and double-differential resummation, 29 May, online invited talk at LHCP 2020, via zoom
Benchmarking resummed predictions for the pt spectrum of Z and W bosons at the LHC, 2 Jul, talk at LHC Electroweak WG meeting, CERN
The spectrum of electro-weak gauge bosons at N3LL+NNLO, 2 Apr, invited talk at Precision EW workshop, IPPP Durham
Drell-Yan transverse observables with RadISH+NNLOJET, 8 Feb, talk at the Precision EW workshop, Orsay
The quartic Higgs self-coupling at future hadron colliders, 20 Dec, talk at the Milan Theory Meeting 2018, University of Milan
Precise predictions for Drell-Yan transverse observables with RadISH/NNLOJET, 14 Nov, talk at the LHC EW Precision sub-group meeting, CERN
Constraints on Higgs couplings from double-Higgs production at future hadron colliders, 29 Nov, talk at Higgs Couplings 2018, Tokyo
Recent developments in resummation, 31 Aug, invited plenary talk at QCD@LHC2018, Dresden
Higgs and Drell-Yan Transverse Observables at N3LL+NNLO, 22 Mar, talk at Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile
Resummation of Transverse Observables, 21 Dec, talk at Milan Theory Meeting 2017, University of Milan
Resummation in PDF fits, 16 Jun, talk at LHC and the Standard Model: Physics and Tools, CERN
The Higgs transverse momentum, 9 Jun, invited talk at Les Houches PhysTev 2017, Les Houches
Towards small-x phenomenology, 6 Apr, talk at DIS 2017, University of Birmingham (slides by M. Bonvini)
Resummation of Transverse Observables, 22 Dec, talk at Milan Theory Meeting 2016, University of Milan
Missing higher order uncertainties, 5 Jun, talk at PSR, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
The atmospheric prompt neutrino flux revisited, 14 Apr, talk at DIS 2016, DESY Hamburg
The charm content of the proton, 13 Apr, talk at DIS 2016, DESY Hamburg
The atmospheric prompt neutrino flux revisited, 21 Dec, talk at Milan Theory Meeting 2015, University of Milan
Parton Distributions with Threshold Resummation, 22 Oct, talk at Particle Phenomenology Forum, University of Oxford
NNPDF Status and Future Plans, 3 Sep, invited talk at QCD@LHC 2015, Queen Mary University London
Matching NNLO calculations to parton showers at hadron colliders, 26 Mar, UZH/ETH Particle Physics Seminars, ETH Zuerich
Measurements of the transverse momentum of the Z and W bosons at the LHC, 21 Sep, Collider Cross Talk Series, CERN (blackboard seminar)
Determination of the W boson mass at hadron colliders, 24 Mar, Particle Physics Seminars, University of Manchester
Associated production of a W boson and massive b quarks at NNLO QCD , 23 Mar, Particle Physics Journal Club, University of Manchester
W mass determination at hadron colliders , 16 Feb, LAPTh Seminars, Annecy
Theory uncertainties affecting mW measurements , 13 Dec, Topical Seminars on Subnuclear Physics, University of Rome III
Non-local subtractions for collider processes, 9 Mar, Particle Physics Theory Seminars, University of Edinburgh
Non-local subtractions for jet processes, 24 Feb, Theory Seminars, Nikhef (via zoom)
Exploring Jet Observables at the LHC, 28 Jan, QCD Seminars, CERN
Resummation of transverse observables with RadISH, 26 Mar, Theory Seminars, MPI Munich, via zoom
Higgs transverse momentum with a jet veto: a double-differential resummation , 29 Jan, HEP Seminars, Michigan State University, via zoom
Resummation of transverse observables in direct space, 21 Jan, HEP Phenomenology Seminars, University of Cambridge, via zoom
Higgs transverse momentum with a jet veto: a double-differential resummation, 1 June, Remote 4D Seminar, UC Berkeley & LBNL, via zoom
Colour-singlet transverse momentum with a jet veto: a double-differential resummation, 21 April, Joint INFN-UNIMI-UNIMIB Pheno Seminars, via zoom
Joint Higgs and jet transverse-momentum resummation at the LHC, 2 March, Nuclear and Particle Theory Seminar, MIT
Resummed predictions for the transverse momentum spectrum of EW bosons at the LHC, 9 May, Dalitz seminar in Fundamental Physics, University of Oxford
Transverse observables resummation at the LHC, 27 Jun, University of Rome La Sapienza
Resummation in PDF fits, 22 Nov, High Energy Physics Colloquia, University of Cagliari
On the Charm content of the proton, 5 May, Particle Phenomenology Forum, University of Oxford (blackboard seminar)