Plots from Rivet analyses

Measurement of the b-quark fragmentation function in $Z^0$ decays (SLD_2002_S4869273)

Spires | Phys. Rev.D65:092006,2002 | hep-ex/0202031

Measurement of the $b$-quark fragmentation function by SLC. The fragmentation function for weakly decaying $b$-quarks has been measured.

Hadron multiplicities in hadronic $e^+e^-$ events (PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES)

Spires | Phys. Lett. B, 667, 1 (2008)

Hadron multiplicities in hadronic $e^+e^-$ events, taken from Review of Particle Properties 2008, table 40.1, page 355. Average hadron multiplicities per hadronic $e^+e^-$ annihilation event at $\sqrt{s} \approx {}$ 10, 29--35, 91, and 130--200 GeV. The numbers are averages from various experiments. Correlations of the systematic uncertainties were considered for the calculation of the averages.

MC analysis for process total cross section (MC_XS)

Analysis for bookkeeping of the total cross section, number of generated events and the ratio of events with positive and negative weights.

Generated at Wednesday, 02. December 2015 11:56AM