Plots from Rivet analyses

Jet pT and multiplicity distributions in W + jets events (CDF_2008_S7541902)

Spires | arXiv:0711.4044 [hep-ex] | Phys.Rev.D77:011108,2008

Measurement of the cross section for W boson production in association with jets in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV. The analysis uses 320 pb$^{-1}$ of data collected with the CDF II detector. W bosons are identified in their $e\nu$ decay channel and jets are reconstructed using an $R < 0.4$ cone algorithm. For each $W + \geq$ n-jet sample (where n = 1--4) a measurement of d$\sigma({p}\bar{p} \rightarrow W + \geq$ n jet)/d$E_T(n^{th}$-jet) $\times$ BR($W \rightarrow{e}\nu$) is made, where d$E_T(n^{th}$-jet) is the Et of the n$^{th}$-highest Et jet above 20 GeV. A measurement of the total cross section, $\sigma(p\bar{p} \rightarrow W + \geq$ $n$-jet) $\times$ BR($W \rightarrow{e}\nu)$ with $E_T(n^{th}-jet) > 25$ GeV is also made. Both measurements are made for jets with $|\eta| < 2$ and for a limited region of the $W \rightarrow{e}\nu$ decay phase space; $|\eta^{e}| < 1.1$, $p_{T}^{e} > 20$ GeV, $p_{T}^{\nu} > 30$ GeV and $M_{T} > 20$ GeV. The cross sections are corrected for all detector effects and can be directly compared to particle level $W$ + jet(s) predictions. These measurements can be used to test and tune QCD predictions for the number of jets in and kinematics of $W$ + jets events.

Generated at Thursday, 21. July 2016 12:54PM