Plots from Rivet analyses

Jet rates and event shapes at LEP I and II (ALEPH_2004_S5765862)

Spires | Eur.Phys.J.C35:457-486,2004 | doi:10.1140/epjc/s2004-01891-4 |

Jet rates, event-shape variables and inclusive charged particle spectra are measured in $e^+ e^-$ collisions at CMS energies between 91 and 209 GeV. The previously published data at 91.2 GeV and 133 GeV have been re-processed and the higher energy data are presented here for the first time. Note that the data have been corrected to include neutrinos.

$\eta$ and $\omega$ Production in Hadronic $Z^0$ Decays (ALEPH_2002_S4823664)

Spires | Phys.Lett. B528 (2002) 19-33 | hep-ex/0201012

The production of $\eta$ and $\omega$ mesons measured using 4 millon $Z^0$ events by the ALEPH experiment at LEP. Only the fragmentation functions are implemented.

Scaled energy distribution of $D^*$ at LEP (ALEPH_1999_S4193598)

Spires | Eur.Phys.J.C16:597-611,2000 | hep-ex/9909032 | CERN-EP-99-094

Study of charm production in $Z$ decays. Here, only the scaled energy distribution of $D^{*\pm}$ is implemented. Should be very important for fragmentation tuning.

Studies of QCD with the ALEPH detector. (ALEPH_1996_S3486095)

Spires | Phys. Rept., 294, 1--165 (1998)

Summary paper of QCD results as measured by ALEPH at LEP 1. The publication includes various event shape variables, multiplicities (identified particles and inclusive), and particle spectra.

Hadronic Z decay charged multiplicity measurement (ALEPH_1991_S2435284)

Spires | Phys. Lett. B, 273, 181 (1991)

The charged particle multiplicity distribution of hadronic Z decays, as measured on the peak of the Z resonance using the ALEPH detector at LEP. The unfolding procedure was model independent, and the distribution was found to have a mean of $20.85 \pm 0.24$, Comparison with lower energy data supports the KNO scaling hypothesis. The shape of the multiplicity distribution is well described by a log-normal distribution, as predicted from a cascading model for multi-particle production.

4-jet angular distributions at LEP (note) (DELPHI_2003_WUD_03_11)

Diploma thesis WUD-03-11, University of Wuppertal

The 4-jet angular distributions (Bengtsson-Zerwas, K\"orner-Schierholz- Willrodt, Nachtmann-Reiter, and $\alpha_{34}$) have been measured with DELPHI at LEP 1 using Jade and Durham cluster algorithms.

Study of the b-quark fragmentation function at LEP 1 (DELPHI_2002_069_CONF_603)

DELPHI note 2002-069-CONF-603 (ICHEP 2002)

Measurement of the $b$-quark fragmentation function by DELPHI using 1994 LEP 1 data. The fragmentation function for both weakly decaying and primary $b$-quarks has been determined in a model independent way. Nevertheless the authors trust $f(x_B^\text{weak})$ more than $f(x_B^\text{prim})$.

Measurement of inclusive $\rho^0$, $f_0(980)$, $f_2(1270)$, $K^{*0}_2(1430)$ and $f'_2(1525)$ production in $Z^0$ decays (DELPHI_1999_S3960137)

Spires | Phys.Lett.B449:364-382,1999

DELPHI results for the production of $\rho^0$, $f_0(980)$, $f_2(1270)$, $K^{*0}_2(1430)$ and $f'_2(1525)$ in $Z^0$ decays. Only the identified particle spectra for $\rho^0$, $f_0(980)$ and $f_2(1270)$ are implemented.

Delphi MC tuning on event shapes and identified particles. (DELPHI_1996_S3430090)

Spires | Z.Phys.C73:11-60,1996 | doi:10.1007/s002880050295

Event shape and charged particle inclusive distributions measured using 750000 decays of Z bosons to hadrons from the DELPHI detector at LEP. This data, combined with identified particle distributions from all LEP experiments, was used for tuning of shower-hadronisation event generators by the original PROFESSOR method. This is a critical analysis for MC event generator tuning of final state radiation and both flavour and kinematic aspects of hadronisation models.

Strange baryon production in $Z$ hadronic decays at Delphi (DELPHI_1995_S3137023)

Spires | Z. Phys. C, 67, 543--554 (1995)

Measurement of the $\Xi^-$ and $\Sigma^+(1385)/\Sigma^-(1385)$ scaled momentum distributions by DELPHI at LEP 1. The paper also has the production cross-sections of these particles, but that's not implemented in Rivet.

Event shape distributions and moments in $e^+ e^-$ -> hadrons at 91--209 GeV (OPAL_2004_S6132243)

Spires | Eur.Phys.J.C40:287-316,2005 | arXiv:hep-ex/0503051

Measurement of $e^+ e^-$ event shape variable distributions and their 1st to 5th moments in LEP running from the Z pole to the highest LEP 2 energy of 209 GeV.

Measurements of flavor dependent fragmentation functions in $Z^0 -> q \bar{q}$ events (OPAL_1998_S3780481)

Spires | Eur. Phys. J, C7, 369--381 (1999) | hep-ex/9807004

Measurement of scaled momentum distributions and total charged multiplicities in flavour tagged events at LEP 1. OPAL measured these observables in uds-, c-, and b-events separately. An inclusive measurement is also included.

$J/\psi$ and $\psi^\prime$ Production in Hadronic $Z^0$ Decays (OPAL_1996_S3257789)

Spires | Z.Phys. C70 (1996) 197-210

The production of $J/\psi$ and $\psi^\prime$ mesons measured by the OPAL experiment at LEP. The fragmentation function for $J/\psi$ and the multiplicities of $J/\psi$ and $\psi^\prime$ are included.

Measurement of the production rates of charged hadrons in $e^+e^-$ annihilation at the $Z^0$ (OPAL_1994_S2927284)

Spires | Z.Phys.C63:181-196,1994

The inclusive production rates of $\pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$ and $p\bar{p}$ in $Z^0$ decays measured using the OPAL detector at LEP. Only the differential cross sections are currently implemented.

Production of $\pi^+$, $\pi^-$, $K^+$, $K^-$, $p$ and $\bar p$ in Light ($uds$), $c$ and $b$ Jets from Z Decays (SLD_2004_S5693039)

Spires | Phys.Rev.D69:072003,2004 | arXiv:hep-ex/0310017

Measurements of the differential production rates of stable charged particles in hadronic $Z^0$ decays, and of charged pions, kaons and protons identified over a wide momentum range. In addition to flavour-inclusive $Z^0$ decays, measurements are made for $Z^0$ decays into light ($u$, $d$, $s$), $c$ and $b$ primary flavors.

Measurement of the b-quark fragmentation function in $Z^0$ decays (SLD_2002_S4869273)

Spires | Phys. Rev.D65:092006,2002 | hep-ex/0202031

Measurement of the $b$-quark fragmentation function by SLC. The fragmentation function for weakly decaying $b$-quarks has been measured.

Production of $\pi^+$, $K^+$, $K^0$, $K^{*0}$, $\Phi$, $p$ and $\Lambda^0$ in hadronic $Z^0$ decay (SLD_1999_S3743934)

Spires | Phys.Rev.D59:052001,1999 | hep-ex/9805029

Measurement of scaled momentum distributions and fragmentation functions in flavour tagged events at SLC. SLD measured these observables in uds-, c-, and b-events separately. An inclusive measurement is also included.

Charged particle multiplicities in heavy and light quark initiated events on the $Z^0$ peak (SLD_1996_S3398250)

Spires | Phys.Lett.B386:475-485,1996 | hep-ex/9608008

Measurements of the mean charged multiplicities separately for $b\bar b$, $c\bar c$ and light quark ($uds$) initiated events in $e^+e^-$ interactions at the $Z^0$ mass.

Jet rates in $e^+e^-$ at JADE [35--44 GeV] and OPAL [91--189 GeV]. (JADE_OPAL_2000_S4300807)

Spires | Eur.Phys.J.C17:19-51,2000 | arXiv:hep-ex/0001055

Differential and integrated jet rates for Durham and JADE jet algorithms. The integration cut value used for the integrated rate observables is not well-defined in the paper: the midpoint of the differential bin has been used thanks to information from Stefan Kluth and Christoph Pahl. We anyway recommend that the differential plots be preferred over the integrated ones for MC generator validation and tuning, to minimise correlations.

MC analysis for process total cross section (MC_XS)

Analysis for bookkeeping of the total cross section, number of generated events and the ratio of events with positive and negative weights.

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