Spires | arXiv:1304.7098 [hep-ex] | J. High Energy Phys. 07 (2013) 032
Measurements of the production of jets of particles in association with a $Z$ boson in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV are presented, using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.6/fb collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Inclusive and differential jet cross sections in $Z$ events, with Z decaying into electron or muon pairs, are measured for jets with transverse momentum $p_T > 30$ GeV and rapidity $|y| < 4.4$. This Rivet module implements the event selection for the weighted combination of both decay channels and uses the data from that combination (as in the paper plots). But for simplification of its usage it only requires events with the electronic final state (muonic final state will be ignored). This allows to use it with either pure electronic samples, or mixed electron/muon events. If you want to use it with a pure muon sample, please refer to ATLAS\_2013\_I1230812\_MU.
Spires | arXiv:1107.2381 [hep-ex]
The Z pT at $\sqrt{s} = 7$\;TeV is measured using electron and muon $Z$ decay channels. The dressed leptons definition uses photons clustered in a cone around the charged leptons, while the bare lepton definition uses the post-FSR charged leptons only in the $Z$ reconstruction. The data used in the bare leptons calculation are based on a forward application of a PHOTOS-based energy loss correction and are hence not quite model-independent.
Spires | CMS-QCD-11-012 | CERN-PH-EP-2012-085 | arXiv:1204.1411 [hep-ex]
A measurement of the underlying event activity using Drell-Yan events using muonic final state. The production of charged particles with pseudorapidity $|\eta| < 2$ and transverse momentum $p_\perp > 0.5\,\text{GeV}/c$ is studied in towards, transverse and away region w.r.t. to the direction of di-muon system. The UE activity is measured in terms of of a particle density and an energy density. The particle density is computed as the average number of primary charged particles per unit pseudorapidity and per unit azimuth. The energy density is expressed in terms of the average of the scalar sum of the transverse momenta of primary charged particles per unit pseudorapidity and azimuth. The ratio of the energy and particle density is also reported in 3 regions. UE activity is studied as a function of invariant mass of muon pair ($M_{\mu\mu}$) by limiting the ISR contribution by requiring transverse momentum of muon pair $p_\perp(\mu\mu) < 5\,\text{GeV}/c$. The $p_\perp(\mu\mu)$ dependence is studied for the events having $M_{\mu\mu}$ in window of 81--101 GeV/$c$. The normalized charged particle multiplicity and $p_\perp$ spectrum of the charged particles in three regions also been reported for events having $M_{\mu\mu}$ in window of 81--101 GeV/$c$. Multiplicity and $p_\perp$ spectra in the transverse region are also reported, for events having $p_\perp(\mu\mu) < 5\,\text{GeV}/c$.
Analysis for bookkeeping of the total cross section, number of generated events and the ratio of events with positive and negative weights.
Generated at Tuesday, 16. December 2014 02:40PM